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About Division 26 Electrical Estimating

Division 26 Electrical Estimating is possibility the #1 best electrical contractors help center in the Midwest today. By preparing electrical estimates on various projects.Assisting in awarded contract management from purchasing, project financial status,schedules,change order processing and more. Please call us for more information at 217-899-5485. Thank You

Clients Notes:
Please log in with your email address and the password that was sent to you. Once logged in
please click on the file icon then below click on the file tab "YOUR FILES" here you will see the electrical job files and estimate reports. Most clients and suppliers will be able to upload information to the job folder. Also
once you have the apps you can view the job from you smart phone or tablet. Basically viewing your job any time any place. Please if you have any questions give me a call at 217-899-5485

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